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Comic book discussion, plus The Gutters (journal), The Legion Project (LSH v3), and Center Seat (Star Trek).

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Jan 23, 2017

In cooperation with George of the George and Tony Entertainment Show, I am republishing my review of Gregg Schigiel's PIX: One Weirdest Weekend along with George's discussion with Mr. Schigiel about how Image Comics is now publishing the first volume and soon the second, PIX: Too Super for School! Be sure to order PIX...

Jan 18, 2017

Long-time Doom Patrol fanatic and my good friend Travis joins me in a lively discussion about DC's and Gerard Way's Young Animal imprint. This episode, we discuss Doom Patrol (1-3) and Cave Carson Has a Cybernetic Eye (1-3 and the backup strips). Join us next episode when we discuss Shade, the Changing Girl and Mother...