Jun 30, 2021
In this episode of The Gutters, my audio journal, I talk about my COVID-19 vaccine experience, my second head injury, and a death in the family. (Plus other stuff.)
Please send your comments to longboxreview@gmail.com, chat with me @longboxreview on Twitter, and visit longboxreview.com.
Jun 23, 2021
I talk about the following comics I read during April 2021:
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Jun 9, 2021
Presenting a joint podcast production with Peter from The Daily Rios podcast (where you can also listen and subscribe to The Legion Project), where we will discuss, issue by issue, the 1984 Legion of Super-Heroes (volume 3) series affectionately known as the "Baxter run".
"Star Boy returns to his home planet and his...
Jun 4, 2021
Stardate 2021.155. Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan was released on June 4, 1982. Pop in your Director's Edition DVD and follow along as I provide my own fan commentary about one of Star Trek fandom's favorite films.
Please send your comments to longboxreview@gmail.com, chat with me @longboxreview on Twitter, or visit