Feb 28, 2014
Peter Rios is back with me to discuss Terry Moore's Rachel Rising through issue 11. Join us next episode as we discuss issues 12-22.
Please send your comments to longboxreview@gmail.com, leave voicemail at 208-953-1841, or send me a voice message via Speakpipe (http://www.speakpipe.com/longboxreview). Please rate and...
Feb 21, 2014
Here's something new for the podcast feed: a short musing on dreaming of flying.
Thanks for listening!
All LBR episodes: http://wp.me/PZkAx-3f
Feb 14, 2014
It's that time once again to look back at the previous year's comics and talk about our favorites (and some other things). Travis and I did a live Google Hangout (http://www.youtube.com/user/longboxreview) on February 9, 2014, to discuss our picks for the following: