Nov 27, 2024
Welcome to my comics history, where I explore the comics I read and bought through the years. This episode I talk about some comic books that were published during July and August 1979. I also spotlight DC Comics Presents #14 and Marvel Team-Up #86.
Sep 25, 2024
It's the Longbox Review 250th comic book related podcast! To celebrate, I talk about two comics in my collection that reached that milestone number: Daredevil by Romita Jr and Nocenti and Superboy (and the Legion of Super-Heroes) by Hunt, Apollo, and Levitz.
What are your favorite comic book issues that reached...
Jul 17, 2024
Welcome to my comics history, where I explore the comics I read and bought through the years. This episode I talk about some comic books that were published during May and June 1979 and spotlight Superman #338.
May 15, 2024
Welcome to my comics history, where I explore the comics I read and bought through the years. This episode I talk about some comic books that were published during March and April 1979 and spotlight Justice League of America #168 and Flash #275.
Apr 10, 2024
Welcome to my comics history, where I explore the comics I read and bought through the years. We're in a new year of comic book reading for me, and I talk about some comic books that were published during those months and spotlight Peter Parker, the Spectacular Spider-Man #29 and 30.