May 10, 2023
Stardate 2023.130. On this episode of Center Seat, my Star Trek podcast, I am joined by podcaster extraordinaire, Darrell "Starfleet" Taylor, showrunner of the Taylor Network of Podcasts, to discuss the fourth and fifth episodes of Star Trek: Picard season 3, "No Win Scenario" and "Imposters".
May 5, 2023
On this Tales of the Legion Project, Peter and I discuss Brave and the Bold #3 (2007) as part of the JLMay 2023 event!
(00:26) Preamble: Welcome to the JLMay 2023 podcast crossover
(15:42) Brave and the Bold #5 synopsis, general thoughts,
and cover discussion
(42:30) Main discussion
(1:24:54) Wrap-up and...