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Comic book discussion, plus The Gutters (journal), The Legion Project (LSH v3), and Center Seat (Star Trek).

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Mar 29, 2023

I got questions and comments (quemments!) from various people on the interwebs, including several voicemail from Sgt Merica! What revelations shall sprout forth from such missives? Listen and find out!


Mar 22, 2023

Stardate 2023.81. On this episode of Center Seat, my Star Trek podcast, I am joined by podcaster extraordinaire, Darrell "Starfleet" Taylor, showrunner of the Taylor Network of Podcasts, to discuss the first episode of Star Trek: Picard season 3, "The Next Generation". But first we talk about Darrell's love for and...

Mar 8, 2023

Recorded March 5, 2023.

In this episode of The Gutters, my audio journal, I talk about what I should do about my digital estate, the quadruple murder in my town and the media frenzy about it (warning: language!), as well as some movie/tv/podcast talk.
