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Comic book discussion, plus The Gutters (journal), The Legion Project (LSH v3), and Center Seat (Star Trek).

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Apr 26, 2017

I had so much fun chatting with Gregg Schigiel, the creator of PIX: One Weirdest Weekend (v1) and the forthcoming second volume, PIX: Too Super for School, which is available May 3, 2017, at your local comic shop or where finer books are sold. We talked about the publication of PIX through Image Comics, and Gregg answers many questions about PIX v1 (if you want to hear a more in-depth summary of PIX v1, listen to Episode 83). I learned a lot about Gregg's creative process and his love of bears.

Special thanks to George of the George and Tony Entertainment Show for making this conversation possible. See the Links below to find out more about George's weekly podcast about pop culture.

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